Previous Editions of the Award Novia Salcedo

VI Edition
_DOM8448 The prize-winners were Benita Ferrero Waldner (in the category of People), Enrique Iglesias (Ad Honorem), Leroy Merlin (Mayor Company), Sao Prat, S.L (Minor Company) and Lantegi Batuak yCentro Nazaret (Organizations).
 V Edition
People category; Dña. Rosalía Mera, (Fundación Paideia), Ad Honorem Category; D.Miguel de la Quadra Salcedo, “Mayor Company” Category; Everis, “Minor Company” Category; Grupo Init, Categoría ; “Institutions and NGOs”; a Young Foundation and “Public Society”; Ihobe.

Watch the video of appreciation of the Winners 2012

 IV Edition
People Category; José Manuel Pérez “Pericles” , Ad Honorem Category; José Ángel Sánchez Asían;  “Mayor Company” Category; Vicrila , Categoría “Minor Company”; Factor CO2, Category ; and in “Institutions and NGOs”;  IQ Consult .
 III Edition
DSC00596 People category: Ricardo Díaz Hochleitner,  Award “Ad Honorem” ,  People category: Souleymane Sarr , Mayor companies categories: Fagor Group , Minor companies category :TEKNIMAP Energía y Medio Ambiente SL, Institutios category: Fundación Chandra
II Edition
Premio NoviaSalcedo 2009 The award winners were:
Egidio Guerra da Freitas
Grupo Lezama
Fundación Tomillo
The ceremony took place in the Arriaga Theatre chaired by Lehendakari Don Patxi López. For further information, you can consult the following dossier:
Premio NoviaSalcedo 2009
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I Edition
 Premio NoviaSalcedo 2008 The award winners on the different categories were:

José Mª Perez “Peridis”
Programa Erasmus

The ceremony took place at Teatro Arriaga, chaired for first time by Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Asturias.

For further information, you can consult the following dossier:
Premio NoviaSalcedo 2008
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